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Radford Development

NOTE: This application was refused (June 2019) and the development is currently in abeyance

Dear RWT Friend
As you may be aware, the application has now been made by Greensconstruct to build their houses near Radford Bridge - whereby, if permission is granted by EHDC, the RWT is given the six acres running downstream to abut our Allees meadow.
We have written in support of the application as follows -


The River Wey Trust (RWT) supports this application.
The application offers a balance between the proposed development and securing the future of the remainder of the land in the applicants’ ownership, by putting it into the public realm through a transfer to the RWT. The RWT believes that its acquisition of this land presents a rare opportunity to secure and protect an important piece of the local natural and historic environment for the benefit of the local community and wider interests.
The Trust has prepared a draft management plan to indicate the scope of work that would be undertaken (attached). Not only will the land itself be protected, but significant additional benefits will be realised. These include increasing public access to the river corridor by providing a link from the present open access land in Allees Meadow (owned by the RWT) through to Radford Park, at the same time enhancing the local rights-of-way network.
The application was previously available on the EHDC planning website at


The Trust's statement and draft management plan are attached. We hope that you will support this opportunity for the RWT.

kind regards

The River Wey Trust: F