About Locks
These pieces were developed to help explain how a canal or waterway lock works, and are used alongside the Augmented Reality Sandbox to allow exploring landscape, seeing how water works in that landscape, and understanding why and how to add locks to aid transport.
The slide show gives an example of the process of lock operation while the cutout model is available to re-enforce the design areas... and for a bit of fun.
1: How a Lock Works
The PowerPoint slide show to step through the operation of a lock. No notes accompany this slide pack as it is fairly simple and allows discussion.
It is created in Microsoft Powerpoint - some of the animation doesn't translate to other slideshow tools (eg Keynote or Libre Office) without a bit of tweaking.
2: Create the model of a Canal Lock.
This is a card cut out showing the basic principles of a mitre lock. This link gived details of mitre locks .
The angle of the gates - approx 18deg - mean they are pointing upstream to use the weight of the water to keep the lock gates shut. The Paddles are used to allow gradual release of water to the next chamber of the lock.
The model in this download file should be printed on thin card, cutting out on the BLACK lines and folding on the GREEN lines. The text in BLUE indicates where glue is applied - Pritt stick or similar is probably easiest to use...
A sequence of images to show the work progressing..
Click to see a larger image