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River Wey Trust Lesson Plans

The Trust is able to support learning and education in a number of ways. Natural History, ecology and the life of the river are a key interest, and many of the RWT friends are able to support events or projects, as well as offering places in the Trust work parties, or nature walks.

The lesson plans here are centred on using the AR Sandbox to support learning of topography, river structures and man made elements impacting rivers, fluids, and - because we can - volcanoes.

Use the Menu or links here to access the plans:

AR Sandbox Topology & Water Cycle Info Sheet
Sheet describing how the sandbox works, and how to use it to understand topology in the landscape.

An exercise in Route Planning
Description and Notes: Intended for teams learning about route planning - with optional links to the Duke of Edinburgh Route Plan segment. Students learn to visualise topographical features and their impact, using the Sandbox to demonstrate features and effects.

OS Mapping & Sandbox Lesson Plan
Slide set and Notes: Intended for senior school classes studying geography, looking at use of maps and relating them to landscape.
Students learn about topography and contours using both printed maps and the hands-on Augmented Reality Sandbox. They learn to relate a printed map to landscape and understand contours, using the Sandbox as an aid or illustration.

Landscape and Rivers - Wey Valley Lesson Notes
Slide set and Notes: A shorter version of the "OS Mapping and Sandbox" lesson plan, Students learn about contours on a map and what they mean in '3D' using the hands-on Augmented Reality Sandbox.
Students learn about topography and contours using both printed maps and the hands-on Augmented Reality Sandbox. They learn to relate a printed map to landscape and understand contours, using the Sandbox as an aid or illustration.

Topography, Maps and Volcanoes
Notes and Worksheet: Students learn about maps, map scales and topography using online resources, printed maps and the hands-on Augmented Reality Sandbox. Using field trips - or perhaps a visit outside the classroom - they learn to relate a printed map to real world features. Supplemented by creating landscapes in the sandbox, and looking at the dramatic changes which can be caused by volcanic activity.

How a Lock Works
Slides, Notes and a DIY model: Developed to help explain how a canal or waterway lock works, and are used alongside the Augmented Reality Sandbox to allow exploring landscape, seeing how water works in that landscape, and understanding why and how to add locks to aid transport.

Water Rangers Lesson ideas
The Trust uses testing kits and supplies from Water Rnagers who have some suggested lessons on the topic of water quality and ecology.

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